Someone is always praying for you. Prayer works.

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(605) 472-5575‬  code 144496#

Days and times of prayer are as follows: Daily 5am-6am, Wednesday afternoon 12-12:15pm, Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings at 9:00pm-9:30pm

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


Please pray for Michaels's salvation and that the operation he is going to take goes well and that he has a speedy recovery. Also, please pray that the store Pan's be to the glory of God. Please pray for The LORD to heal my backsliding, mind, body, soul and spirit. Please pray that He delivers me from the Devil and any bondages & strongholds that I am under. Please pray that the attacks against me by the devil and my enemies cease and that The LORD delivers from them once and for all. Please pray for The LORD to protect me and to provide for all of my, materials and financial needs. Thank you and God bless you.

Received: October 10, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.

James Fryar

I wanna thank Alfred Street for all the prayers and support that you have given me over these past months and I want to let everyone know that God has blessed me with a new place, I absolutely love my church, Thank you️

Received: October 10, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


Healing for high blood pressure God to healing of health praise God

Received: October 9, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.

Tan Popatas

To be able to do anything and everything. Please talk to him for me. To restore brain doubles. To restore double. To quit medicine and hospital.

Received: October 9, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.

Andrew and Nicole

Healing for anxiety and fear to block satans attacking body health and mind God to protect from nightmares and bad dreams attacking our marriage negative thoughts

Received: October 8, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.

Joyce G. Davis

Please pray for Pauline, a dear friend, and a member of the church and various ministries, who is in the Holy Land with a group of 61 individuals from a church in Georgia. They were in Tel Aviv and moved to Jerusalem yesterday evening (10/7). She is not sure when they will get home. Please send your prayers to this group and pray that they will arrive home safely. This is an unimaginable and terrifying situation, and we know that God will answer our prayers.

Received: October 8, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Please pray for my friend's sister Delphenea. She found out that she had breast cancer in July and healing from several challenging surgeries. She doesn't require chemo or radiation but will undergo hormone treatment. Asking for your prayers of healing, love and comfort during this time. "Praying for my friend Crystal. I just found out that she was diagnosed with breast cancer in December 2022 and is undergoing cancer management. She has two young children ages 9 and 4.

I am hoping that God will allow her to be healed so that she can grow older with her children. She is still faithful. "Thank you.

Received: October 8, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


Pray for my brother Deshon and that he quits smoking. Deshon has diabetes but he smokes. He has a hard time quitting cigarettes. He just came home from the hospital last week with oxygen. His wife passed 14 years ago and he depends on me for a lot. I pray that his independence will return so that I can catch a break.

Received: October 8, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Dee Dee

Pray that God will separate Anecia from Jeffrey permanently, that the soul tie and strongholds will be broken, destroy, and burn up permanently by the fire of the Holy Spirit. Jeffrey is pushing and taking Anecia away from Jesus Christ.

Received: October 6, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.

Lisa Peavey

Please pray the Lord will remove Zack heart of stone and give him a heart of flesh. Zack is filled with hatred toward me and is blinded by the hate. I seek peace with him

Received: October 6, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Douglas L. Hahn

Pray for My adult children to get right with the Lord and reconcile to me, And STOP all those who hinder that transition and break their wicked hearts

Pray for my health - Diabetes,Hypertension,Kidney failure, Hyerlipids, etc Lose 45 pounds get back into shape. Reduce my medications, reduce my triglycerides and blood sugar,Good workouts and cardio Remove my fears, constant worrying, laziness, Increase my strength, my diligence, courage, wisdom, good thinking, faith , and better time management victories, Enjoy pastimes and Pray for success in my growing business and finances make a good living and land listings, Pray for my wife keep her safe and growing and also joy happiness (Count it all joy), also pray for me to get back on a normal schedule and get more things done and quicker, Major blessings and growth no fear ,joy confidence and pray that the Lord will expose and remove my enemies and have victory over them. And increase joy and peace that passes ,understanding, faith

Received: October 6, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

J Kelly


it is of great importance that these parts never ever be disturbed again in me and my entire house.

Please pray that God will surely make sure that never can the wicked do anything to mess with thsoe prayers again in Jesus' holy name.

pray that God will have an innumerable number of His people praying regarding these things in all the family members, about 15 persons at least including three children, in Jesus' holy name.

Received: October 5, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Pray that Anecia and I (Jamal) relationship / friendship will be very strong and that we will have a very good bond. That Abba Father will move satan and his co-hosts out the way so that I can continue helping Anecia in Christ Jesus.

Received: October 4, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Please pray for my 83 year old father he has a bad cold & can hardly walk & diabetes & unstable blood pressure & pulse we need a miracle for my father & my mother is his main caretaker 24,/7 & she has lots of health problems too. Please pray for my entire family & family of origin there are so many trials lately

Received: October 3, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Helen Gee

Our country is in the need of prayer, although these tribulations are supposed to happen, the Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. I asked that pastors and churches all over the world get together and pray. God punished Israel because they stopped praying. PRAY PRAY and come together churches and pray. Thanks for helping us with the feed the 5000. I appreciate what you continue to do for the needy and not so needy. Pray that I let God take over instead of me trying to fight alone.

Received: October 2, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Please pray for my son who is battling with alcoholism that God gives him the desire to stop and seek professional help. Thank you.

Received: October 2, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


I feel like I am in a constant battle to find love and acceptance. My mother did not show affection toward me and my siblings and I know I need to forgive but I cannot help but think about how much interactions with her destroy my inner peace and self-esteem. I've recently watched a sermon about overcoming rejection but the same rules are hard to apply when the people rejecting you are your family. I have deep insecurities about being enough and I've noticed that I've steadily become more bitter and argumentative in all areas of my adult life, especially when someone points out my mistakes. I want to know what it's like to feel confident and worthy. Please pray that I am able to find that inner peace.

Received: October 2, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Supernatural healing of cancer

Received: October 1, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.

James Fryar

Hello Alfred Street,I’m asking for prayer for my health,last week was diagnosed with diabetes,I started taking medication to help keep it under control,I need prayer ,this hard but I Know through prayer and Faith I’ll be ok.

Received: September 30, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


My adult son has stopped communicating with us. He lives far away. Please pray for his physical, mental and financial health and that the lines of communication will be open again.

Received: September 30, 2023