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3 entries.
Audrey Watson from Chesterfield wrote on January 27, 2024 at 10:30 AM
I thank God for the strength to do all things through Christ although I am temporarily handicapped. I thank God for the strength and patience to take care of my 102 yo mom.I thank God that I am able to discern the thoughts idea and suggestions of the enemy who wants me to fail. Thank you Pastor Wesley. I am in tears about my new found strength. I feel like the man who laid at the pool fir 38 years .usr have felt. I feel like the woman with the issue of blood for 18 years must have felt. Thank... Read more
I thank God for the strength to do all things through Christ although I am temporarily handicapped. I thank God for the strength and patience to take care of my 102 yo mom.I thank God that I am able to discern the thoughts idea and suggestions of the enemy who wants me to fail. Thank you Pastor Wesley. I am in tears about my new found strength. I feel like the man who laid at the pool fir 38 years .usr have felt. I feel like the woman with the issue of blood for 18 years must have felt. Thank you God for this new found freedom... Collapse
Debra Rucker from Hampton wrote on January 25, 2024 at 10:19 PM
SEEK DAY 4 Received message from my oncologist that the final pathology report for specimens removed in yesterdayโ€™s surgery show โ€ฆ..no evidence of residual invasive cervical cancer in any of the resected specimens. God is so good each & every day. Trust & believe.
SEEK DAY 4 Received message from my oncologist that the final pathology report for specimens removed in yesterdayโ€™s surgery show โ€ฆ..no evidence of residual invasive cervical cancer in any of the resected specimens. God is so good each & every day. Trust & believe.... Collapse
Fran from Atlanta wrote on January 25, 2024 at 6:52 PM
iSeek, iWait, iDesire, iPray and God hearts my every cry and knows what I am in need of and He listens. Prayer is a powerful thing. God heard my prayers and had answered. For this I am thankful and so very grateful.
iSeek, iWait, iDesire, iPray and God hearts my every cry and knows what I am in need of and He listens. Prayer is a powerful thing. God heard my prayers and had answered. For this I am thankful and so very grateful.... Collapse